
Prescription Refills

Here are some tips on how to get a prescription refilled.


Before Your Appointment:

  • Before your appointment, check your medicines to see if you need any refills. If you do, tell your health care provider at your appointment.
  • If you will have enough medicine until your appointment, do not call for a refill. Your medicine may be changed at your upcoming appointment.


Prescription Refills:

When you need a prescription refill, please call your pharmacy. You do not need to call our office. Be sure to call the pharmacy two to three business days before you are out of medicine. You may also request a refill through your patient portal account here.


Controlled Substances:

If you need a controlled substance prescription, call the office and leave a message on the nurse line with the following information:

  • patient's name
  • spelling of the last name
  • patient's date of birth
  • name of the medicine
  • phone number where you can be reached
  • which pharmacy you use

Our office requires at least 48 hours notice to refill controlled substances. Please do not wait until you are down to your last dose.


Other Tips:

  • Your prescription may be faxed or electronically sent to your pharmacy from our office.
  • Your prescription may say "no refills." This can sometimes happen if a new order is received and the prescription number is different. The pharmacy may put the order on hold or in a file. You may still have refills available at your pharmacy. They will fill the new prescription when you call them for a refill. If needed, have them check your profile. If they do not have orders, they will contact us.
  • We are unable to complete refill requests outside of business hours.

If you have any questions about the medicines you are taking, please talk with your health care provider or pharmacist.